Prateek Munjal

ML Data Scientist at G42-Healthcare

Deep learning, computer vision, Machine learning | CS Masters @ IIT Ropar | CS Bachelors @ UIETH

Hello World!

I am currently working as a ML Data scientist at G42-Healthcare, Abu Dhabi. I am always interested in new ML ideas (primary source: arxiv :D). Other than working in healthcare (my current job), I have a strong experience of working with unsupervised (deep)generative modelling and representation learning for solving tasks with limited data. Prior to this, I was a Masters student in department of Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (IIT Ropar), under the supervision of Dr. Narayanan C Krishnan. For more details, kindly have a look at my resume.

Work Experience

ML Data Scientist [2020 - Present]

G42 Healthcare, UAE

Teaching Assistant [2017 - 2019]

IIT Ropar, Punjab, India

Courses: Artificial Intellignce (currently), Machine Learning (2018), Finite Automata Theory (2017)

Software Engineer Trainee [January 2016 - July 2016]

Infogain Pvt Ltd, Noida, India

I was deployed in the Infogain retail department where I use to work on ORPOS (Oracle point of sale) applications. Typically, I worked on building the applications (web and system) using the spring and hibernate framework.


(Kindly check resume for updated projects)


An implementation of VAE-GAN, following the paper: VAE/GAN

[] [Github Link] [Download]





Implementation of VAE model, following the paper: VAE. I tried VAE with the two benchmark real world datasets: MNIST and Celeb-A.

[] [Github Link] [Download]





In this project, I try to reproduce the results from paper for celebA and cifar 10 dataset.

[] [Github Link] [Download]



ADAE [Team member: Sujit Rai]

It was a course project where we proposed to use autoencoders with adversarial penalty for domain adaptation. For experiments, we choose MNIST dataset -- source domain and colored-Mnist dataset -- target domain.

[] [Github Link] [Download]

MNIST (Source Domain)

colored-Mnist (Target Domain)


An implementation of Wasserstein Autoencoder. In this implementation the encoder is implemented as a dirac measure.

[] [Github Link] [Download]





Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering

I finsihed my masters at IIT Ropar. My thesis is under the domain of machine learning. I am supervised by Dr. Narayanan C Krishnan.

CGPA: 8.86/10     Class Rank: 1
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India

(August 2017 - May 2019)

Bachelors of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering

I completed my bachelors from PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. My final Btech project was designing an android application with a motive to digitize and ease our placement cell activities.

CGPA: 7.6/10
PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur, India

(August 2012 - June 2016)


  • Topper of Mtech CSE Batch 2017-2019 at IIT Ropar
  • One of the top 20 performers of ML Summer School at IIIT Hyderabad [Official link]
  • National Chess Player
  • Contact

    - Primary: 2017csm1009 at iitrpr dot ac dot in
    - Secondary: prateekmunjal31 at gmail dot com
    Mobile Number